Fibonacci Ladder
The Fibonacci Ladder collection shows arrangements of linearly interwoven rectangles in two tones. The rectangles represent the rungs of a ladder and the spaces between them, which all have the same width.
The height of the rungs, viewed from bottom to top, corresponds to the Fibonacci numbers. The height of the spaces, viewed from top to bottom, also corresponds to the Fibonacci numbers. The width of the ladder is chosen so that the top rung (and therefore the bottom space too) forms a square.
Fibonacci Ladder IV
Fibonacci Ladder IV is similarly designed as Fibonacci Ladder I, except, it has nine rungs instead of eight. Since the nineth Fibonacci number is 34, the nineth rung has a width and height of 34 cm and is therefore a square. The height of the ladder is calculated from the height of all rungs and all spaces, i.e. twice the sum of the first nine Fibonacci numbers, which equals 176 cm.
The color of the rungs is chosen using a blue gradient from light to dark. The color of the spaces was determined such that each space has the complementary color of the underlying rung, which results in a reddish color gradient from dark to light.
This construction creates a symmetry between rungs and spaces, allowing the eye to see rungs as spaces and spaces as rungs. This puts the viewer in a tension and a conflict as to which of the two perspectives should be chosen. Both colors give each other space and take space from each other.
The artwork (the ladder) therefore has no top and no bottom and can also be hung both vertically and horizontally.