Fibonacci Squares
The Fibonacci Squares collection shows arrangements of Fibonacci squares whose side lengths are Fibonacci numbers.
Titillating Tilt
Titillating Tilt is a series of colorful, nested Fibonacci squares, a small one within the next larger. The larger becomes the frame of the smaller. Due to the law of Fibonacci numbers, the frame width is half the length of the next smaller Fibonacci square. The ratio of frame and content approaches the golden section with the growing size of the squares.
Due to this construction, each square appears twice, once as a frame and once as content. Identical squares have the same color.
The image has a square format of the size of the largest Fibonacci square. All square Fibonacci frames are arranged – from small to large – in a spiral motion, each one meeting the next at opposite corners and then rotating by 90º. Moreover, the square spiral is also tilted by 60º, so that the effect of the spiral is even stronger.